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5 Minutes to Increase Eligibility for Community Service Scholarships

Jean O'Toole

Many students are interested in participating in community service projects. They recognize that service will be an important component for scholarship opportunities. With the demands of academic, athletic, family, and job responsibilities on the calendar, it is sometimes difficult to find time to engage in community service projects.

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question to ask is, what are you doing for others?”

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

Helping others in your community does not need to require a significant amount of time. Your impact could potentially be tremendous with only 5 minutes of your time. It can also be done while you are actively pursuing scholarships for yourself.

As every scholarship has its own criteria, you will absolutely stumble upon scholarships that you are not a fit for. What if you took 5 minutes and posted a scholarship with specific criteria, that doesn’t align with you, to your social media platforms?

Sharing the information with your community is an act of community service.


· Posting to pages that may serve students, who fit the criteria

· Tagging local groups, pages and organizations, that fit the criteria

· Tagging your local school or parent associations, who can forward to families

In only 5 minutes, you can actively serve others in your community.

The following are several scholarships with specific criteria. Consider forwarding these opportunities to organizations or groups in your community:

BMO Capital Markets Lime Connect Equity Through Education Scholarship. $10,000 award. Deadline is October 18th. Open to full time US or Canadian undergraduate or graduate or business school students pursuing business, commerce, computer science, engineering, math, physics, statistics, financial services, who have a visible or invisible disability. Visit

Dyslexia/Auditory Processing Disorder Scholarship. This scholarship is open to US and Canadian students with dyslexia and/or auditory processing disorder who are enrolled in an undergraduate college program. Award is $1000. Deadline is October 31st. For more information visit

International Essential Tremor Foundation. This scholarship is open to high school graduates of any age who have been diagnosed with ET and have a GPA minimum of 2.5. Award is $1000. Deadlines are October 31st and May 1st. For more information visit

Karman Healthcare Mobility Disability Scholarship. This is a scholarship for college or university students with a mobility disability. Must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Award of $500. Deadline is September 1st. For more information visit

Students with a Heart Foundation Scholarship. This scholarship is open to students who are planning to enroll or are currently enrolled into an undergraduate or graduate program and suffer from a cardiac disease. Must have a GPA of 3.0. Award is $6000. Deadline is October 1st. For more information visit

Helping others and having impact does not need to require extensive time or energy. You may also benefit further by building additional relationships with others in your community who will forward additional scholarship opportunities to you.

“There are many wonderful things that will never be done, if you don’t do them”. – Charles D. Gill


Jean O’Toole is an educational consultant and author of the bestselling book, Scholarship Strategies Finding and Winning the Money You Need. Over the past 15 years, she has helped tens of thousands of students in the United States. Individuals collectively have been awarded millions of dollars by applying her scholarship strategies. In 2008 she co-founded Connections101, a company specializing in providing motivational tools for scholarship searching. It is her goal to empower students to design their paths to their future without college debt. For more information about Jean, visit


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